Pedagogical principles
We respect the children's way of understanding the world:
We try to get to know the way of interpreting the world in which the child lives, in order to respect it and give it value. It is not up to them to understand realities in the same way that we do, but from their child's mind.
We rely on natural authority:
There is an authority that concerns us as adult beings and responsible for the space, and it exists naturally, it is not necessary to impose it nor do we use it to decide or intervene in what does not correspond to us. Children give us credibility because they trust us. It is not necessary to organise, it is not necessary to control or exercise power, however, it is necessary to take responsibility for this reality.
We provide the right environment:
The child must have within his reach the stimuli appropriate to his moment. This is what we call "the right or prepared environment". The right environment would be one that is adapted to the child so that he/she can have the most appropriate experiences for him/herself and can thus fulfil his/her developmental programme more fully.
We think that limits:
They are a necessary reality for all people.
We are correct with language:
Both verbal and non-verbal.
We respect life processes:
We allow and facilitate the path that each person chooses.
We value all learning equally:
We do not have obligatory or desirable contents, each person chooses to learn what they want and when they want, and from "La Semilla" everything has the same value: learning to write, to hammer a nail or to play with sand.